Ѽ 3D SCENE Ѽ Build 3D scene, not traditional grass runway, s, b also alien phiognomy such Pandora star. re elaborately painted beaiful scenery side of runway. Ѽ RACE MODE Ѽ Ride beloved horse be winner. Ѽ UP HORSE Ѽ Provide eight kinds of mounts, such Mechani dinosaur, Zombie Horse, Unicorn. constantly strengn mount through win match. Ѽ Beside , re are four properes upgrade: speed, strength, endurance, recovery. up own k mount. Ѽ CHALLENGE BEST Ѽ actual whip growl of mounts let be personally scene. Come ! Excit s are wait challenges, kinds of props choose track. success next failure! Ѽ 's Version 1.5.4 Ѽ - Minor bug fixes optimized permance. Ѽ - Increase statistics of each . Ѽ Ѽ
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