Alarm Clock by doubleTwist v1.3.2 Ѽ Requirements ɫ By Download Apk Files ɫ Android s ɫ Android Market ɫ Android 2.2+ Ѽ Requirements ɫ By Download Apk Files ɫ Android s ɫ Android Market ɫ Wake up music doubleTwist Alarm Clock, most beaiful Alarm Ѽ doubleTwist Alarm Clock hands-down most beaiful alarm Google Play Store, follow doubleTwis tory of simple, intuitive, highly functional, gorgeous s, seen doubleTwist Player media . Ѽ Ѽ
Ѽ Gently awaken favorite medley. violently rouse self from deep slumber death metal. choice s! Ѽ Alarm Clock Features: Ѽ Two clock modes: flip clock analog clock, includes nightst dim mode. Ѽ Set alarm through of two modes: Sleep Cycle. Sleep Cycle helps pick optimal wake-up times correspond sleep cycles. Ѽ Set mulple alarms. Ѽ Set recurr alarms (eks, ekends, etc). Ѽ Set a custom label alarms. Ѽ Choose from built- alarm sounds wake up favorite song playlist (requires free doubleTwist Player ). Ѽ Alarm volume starts quiet gradually gets louder. Ѽ View pend unl next scheduled alarm. Ѽ Set snooze duration alarm volume. Ѽ 's t version: Ѽ v1.3.2: Ѽ * Fixed criti issue introduced Nap feature where dismiss Nap alarm would prevent alarms from sound. Ѽ v1.3.1: Ѽ * Fixed issue Quiet Mode feature. Ѽ * Fixed issue "Install Error" message errantly show some users. Ѽ v1.3.0: Ѽ * Nap alarm type (set a timer catch some quick sh-eye). Ѽ * Added Quiet Mode feature (disable rer & vibrations 8 hours preced a given alarm). Ѽ Ѽ Ѽ Download Apk Files ѼAlarm Clock by doubleTwist v1.3.2 VIA Hotfile Download Apk Files ѼAlarm Clock by doubleTwist v1.3.2 VIA Mediafire Download Apk Files ѼAlarm Clock by doubleTwist v1.3.2 VIA Rapidshare