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Ѽ Protect mobile device from viruses spam a popular an-virus from lead Russian an-virus vendor Doctor b, whose acclaimed products first eared market 1992. Ѽ Dr.b an-virus provides mobile device constant an-virus protection, intelligent SMS ls filter tools find device case it lost defeat thieves case it stolen. Ѽ lication does not affect operat stem permance, more important does not reduce battery life. use simple handy desktop widgets access lication. Ѽ Dr.b an-virus uses unique algorithm detect malware Origins Trac Android which allows detect virus families us knowledge database previous threats. A unique record created each malicious program describes behavior algorithm of t sample. T provides efficiency of detect modifications of whole virus family significantly reduces size of virus databases. Ѽ Features: Ѽ Constant an-virus protection threats neralization. an-virus check of file stem carried by file monitor SpIDer Guard, which scans real- mode files be saved device memory. Ѽ dem scann carried by a specific component scanner. Dr.b an-virus allows perm quick full scan of file stem scan criti files folders. Ѽ Quaranne. detected threats be deleted moved quaranne, where review detailed inmation potenal malware. Ѽ SD-card protection from contamination by aorun files Exploit.Cpllnk, which represent a threat Windows. Ѽ small size of updates virus databases allows save traffic money if are us limited mobile tariffs. Ѽ Detailed statistics an-virus operation. Ѽ Two handy widgets choose from manage an-virus protection (sizes 1х1 4х1). Ѽ An-spam Ѽ Selection of ls SMS filter modes. Ѽ Creation of own filter profiles. Ѽ Black list edit. contacts, from which would block incom ls SMS, into black list. Ѽ View blocked ls SMS. Ѽ An-ft Ѽ An-ft helps find mobile device case it lost stolen ll remotely delete personal inmation from it. An-ft be managed by send special SMS device. Ѽ An-ft allows: Ѽ enable device block function its restart Ѽ block device require enter password unlock it Ѽ limit number of errors enter password unlock device Ѽ unlock device by send an SMS-comm Ѽ get GPS-coordinates of device a link Google Maps Ѽ remotely delete inmation stored SD-card Ѽ activate a sound alert device block screen Ѽ enter own t which will be displayed blocked screen Ѽ create a list of , who will receive notifications chang SIM-card device. will be able manage An-ft unlock device from ir numbers case got password. Ѽ URL filter Cloud Checker Ѽ filter Cloud Checker protects user of mobile device default Android browser from undesirable Internet resources. It be configured block not recommended potenally dangerous b sites certain categories: Ѽ Drugs Ѽ Known virus sources Ѽ Obscene language Ѽ Terrorism Ѽ Violence Ѽ apon Ѽ Adult content, etc. Ѽ Attenon: case Dr.b An-ft enabled device, need clear Dr.b an-virus checkbox Location Security tab of Select device administrator section device setngs bee uninstall lication. Ѽ 's t version : (Updated : Sep 19, 2012) Ѽ Added an option show password. If option enabled, an entered password shown stars. Ѽ Added an option select an e-mail address when configur Dr.b An-ft. Ѽ Added Turkish language support. Ѽ Added interface enhancements. Ѽ Added an option send a listed file Doctor b Virus Laboratory when scann Custom mode. Ѽ Added an option scan .ipa files iOS operat stem. Ѽ Required Android O/S : 1.6+ Ѽ Ѽ
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