Apk Files ѼPlanet Finder + v2.3

Planet Finder + v2.3 Ѽ Requirements ɫ By Download Apk Files ɫ Android s ɫ Android Market ɫ http://Bestapkfiles.blogspot.com/: Android 2.2+ Ѽ Requirements ɫ By Download Apk Files ɫ Android s ɫ Android Market ɫ http://Bestapkfiles.blogspot.com/: Find, discover, play & augment reality of planetary night sky! Ѽ Planet finder +, an astronomy compass an augmented reality camera renders solar stem planets around (Sun, Mercury, Venus, Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune Plo!). I a convenient tool get a quick orientation of night sky! Ѽ Ѽ Find, discover, play & augment reality of planetary night sky! Ѽ Planet finder +, an astronomy compass an augmented reality camera renders solar stem planets around (Sun, Mercury, Venus, Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune Plo!). I a convenient tool get a quick orientation of night sky! Ѽ I extremely easy! Just launch lication 'll instantly get an overview of where planets are relative orientation. ”'re middle of screen”, earth, planets are plotted ”around” relative orientation. If planet above 'compass' r highlighted i visible ! If planet below compass r toward center of earth it'll be shadod below horizon. Ѽ 's not ! Planet finder + will provide an AR view, augmented reality view, through camera lens. Ѽ Just point phone toward sky planet finder + will switch augmented reality mode! Spot planets through mobile camera why not take a snapshot share it via facebook, email, twitter mms? Ѽ even interact augmented reality view by activat its player! Play, pause, rewind, fast ward solar stem! T will render planets trajectories! Ѽ Switch back 2D compass t views by lor mobile phone. From here access menu share pictures 've taken AR mode. Ѽ a simple touch screen switch a t view where planetary positions are listed. (direction, altude also phase of inner terrestrial planets moon) Ѽ get even more detailed inmation from here by touch a 'planet-item' list. will get real data ab planet magnitude, arent diameter, distance from earth, elongation its constellation sky. Ѽ re's even more. get planets rise, transit set times by touch RTS icon. access latest static inmation, by touch wiki icon! Ѽ If have a smart phone, 'll presumably have a gyroscope sensor it. Planet finder + makes use of t sensor ( combination accelerometer magnetometer). T implies planet finder + responds quickly movements provides stable image accurate reads! Ѽ lication be installed phone sd card order save phone storage. Ѽ (open setngs -> programs -> manage programs -> PlanetFinder+ -> move sd) Ѽ /> Ѽ Ѽ

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