Apk Files ѼRoot USB/BT Joystick Center 6 v6.41 - Playing Games with your favorite Controller!

USB/BT Jotick Center 6 v 6.4.1 Ѽ by Poke64738 (Developer) - Play s favorite Controller, Mouse, Keyboard more! Ѽ Real Work Solion! Ѽ If .. buy it.. me!! Ѽ https://play.google.com/store/s/d...8.usbjoy&hl=de Ѽ Ѽ If love play s emulators USB Bluetooth Devices, n t right . Ѽ Hint: Some Samsung Devices are work ICS . play some Bluetooth Joticks. Ѽ Universal USB/BT Jotick Center, use nearly every USB Bluetooth Jotick. If want play Android s Emulators ( Frodo, GBA, N64, NES) a Jotick ( FPS s Mouse & Keyboard Jotick free Jotick2Touch AddOn *root required* ShadowGun, Modern Combat 3, Nova 3, GTA3), n t right . Ѽ Ѽ Samsung S3 Torial from PhoneBuff: http://www.phonebuff.com/2012/08/con...p--android/ Ѽ t map jotick events key presses play s emulator s keyboard (IME) support. free Jotick2Touch AddOn (*root required*) map jotick/mouse/keyboard events touch events play a of action s. Ѽ !! Hint ner Samsung/HTC Devices + Wii remote: some Devices ( Galaxy S3 / Note) have not full bluetooth protocol support! have try a CyanogenMod Rom device Bluez IME use a Wii Remote! iControlpad PhoneJoy (PIN: 1234) work fine stock rom (se devices have pair - not connected! - bee use it t ). Ѽ If want see whats possible t n take a look at some video's Yube ("usb jotick center") Ѽ try t bee purchase: http://poke64738.iphpbb3.com (=> downloads) Ѽ Features: Ѽ - Support Wireless Joticks (PS3, X360, iCade, iControlPad, PhoneJoy, Wii Remote, Zeemote) Ѽ - Support most USB Joticks Ѽ - Support Keyboards Ѽ - Support Xperia Play Ѽ - Mulplayer Support Ѽ - Create/Modify/Save/Load Jotick-Setngs (Btons/Sticks/Sliders,Touch-Ms) Ѽ Additional features free Jotick2Touch AddOn (*Root required!*): Ѽ - Mouse & Keyboard Gam ( FPS s) Ѽ - Jotick->Touch Gam Ѽ - Jotick->Mouse Ѽ - Wii-Remote IR Pointer -> Touch Ѽ - Load/Save Touch-Setngs (IMP/EXP) Ѽ ( free Joy2Touch AddOn download here: http://poke64738.iphpbb3.com ) Ѽ Requirements ɫ By Download Apk Files ɫ Android s ɫ Android Market ɫ http://Bestapkfiles.blogspot.com/: Ѽ Android 3.2 ( ner) Device USB Host API (root not required main ) Ѽ Successfully tested se Devices: Ѽ - Acer A500 (ICS 4.0.3 Stock) Ѽ - Archos 101 G9 (ICS 4.0.3 Stock) Ѽ - Asus Nexus 7 (JB 4.1.1 Stock) Ѽ - Asus TF101 (HC 3.2 Stock) Ѽ - Asus Prime TF201 (ICS 4.0.3 Stock) Ѽ - Asus TF300 (ICS 4.03 Stock) Ѽ - Samsung Nexus (ICS 4.0.2 Stock) Ѽ - Samsung S2 (ICS 4.0.3 Stock, GT-I9100-IML74K.XWLP7, Kernel: 3.0.31-Dorimanx-V2.1-SGII-ICS) Ѽ - Samsung S3 (ICS 4.0.4 Stock) Ѽ - Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.7 Plus Ѽ - Sony Xperia Play (ICS 4.0.3, Stock Beta) Ѽ - Toshiba Thrive A100 (HC 3.2 Stock) Ѽ - Transmer Prime TF201 (ICS 4.0.3 Stock) Ѽ - Xoom (4.03 Stock, OTG USB Cable) Ѽ devices should be work too, b are not tested! Ѽ USB Jotick Center has Driver-Setngs included se Devices (ready use, ors create at own): Ѽ Wireless: Ѽ - PS3 Sixaxis with root (* CSR Bluetooth 2.x/EDR+ USB Stick needed) Ѽ - X360 Controller ("Microsoft Wireless Gam Receiver PC" USB needed) Ѽ - Bluetooth Keyboards Ѽ - iCade Ѽ - iControlPad (SPP Mode) Ѽ - PhoneJoy Ѽ - Wii Remotes 1-4 + Nunchuck + Classic Ѽ - Zeemote Ѽ * Please read PS3 pair help inside Ѽ Wired - USB: Ѽ - PS3 Sixaxis - Cable Adapter Ѽ - X360 Controller - Wired Ѽ - Hyperkin N64 Moonlight Controller Ѽ - Logitech (Rumble, F310, F710) Ѽ - Microsoft Sidewinder 2 Precision Ѽ - Trust GXT 24 Ѽ - X360 Rockb: USB Guitars/Drums Ѽ - N64 "Controller Adapter PC USB" ( 2 Controllers) Ѽ - PSX 1/2 "USB pad Converter Dualschock" Ѽ - PSX + N64 USB Dual Converter Ѽ - SNES "Controller Adapter PC USB" Ѽ - C64/Atari/Amiga "Donalds USB-Jotickadapter" Ѽ - C64/128/A600 "Keyrah" USB Keyboard Adapter Ѽ - "PC/pad/Jotick Adapter" (15 Pin D-Sub) Ѽ - PSX - USB 4 "Buzz Junior" Ѽ - PSX 1|2 " Dual Box Advanced" Adapter PC USB Ѽ How Install: Ѽ 1. Install USB BT Jotick Center 6.41.apk. Ѽ 2. Use Lucky Patcher remove license verification. Use Aomatic (Slow method; dont worry if n7 shows an error). Ner version of LP does NOT work. Ѽ 3. Install Jotick2Touch.apk Ѽ 4. Hf ! Ѽ How Setup Jotick Center Use pads ( Android) I very easy setup! Ѽ Ѽ http://www.yube.com/watch?feature...&v=GwrGpVquGyo Ѽ http://www.phonebuff.com/2012/08/con...p--android/ Ѽ Download: (USB BT Jotick Center 6.41.apk + Jotick2Touch.apk + Lucky.Patcher. Ѽ http://www61.zipphare.com/v/20656491/file.html Ѽ http://depositfiles.com/files/w3eat6m2i Ѽ http://netload./dateiq1svcIIwAa/UB...LP1791.rar.htm Ѽ Just a side note: Ѽ If have trouble reinstall after patch it Lucky Patcher.. use any root explorer search poke /data/data / /data/ delete file! Now are able reinstall :) Download Apk Files ѼRoot USB/BT Joystick Center 6 v6.41 - Playing Games with your favorite Controller! VIA Hotfile

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