Apk Files ѼScript Manager-SManager(NoAds) v2.5.3.1

Script Manager-SManager(NoAds) v2.5.3.1 Ѽ Requirements ɫ By Download Apk Files ɫ Android s ɫ Android Market ɫ http://Bestapkfiles.blogspot.com/: 2.1 Ѽ Requirements ɫ By Download Apk Files ɫ Android s ɫ Android Market ɫ http://Bestapkfiles.blogspot.com/: Porful lication exece scripts execables, root explorer browser mul terminal emulator. Ѽ Ѽ Execion Functions: Ѽ ------------------ Ѽ Manage exece shell scripts programs file stem. Ѽ execions run over vt100 terminal accept user inp esc codes (colors, bel, cursor movement ..) Ѽ Run m at boot-up network status change possibility. Ѽ Schedule at selected . (cron jobs) Ѽ Show graphi dialogs from runn process. Ѽ Create widgets at desktop. Ѽ Edit create scripts, also create m from url. Ѽ Insert code scripts us QR codes. Ѽ Share execion p. Ѽ Bookmark scripts. Ѽ Test SM_VERSION / SM_VERSIONCODE know if runn inside SManager. Ѽ root privileges also exece m superuser privileges. Ѽ File explorer Functions: Ѽ ------------------------ Ѽ Browse phone's file network files. Ѽ Open mulple directories screen.(3 directories Ads version) Ѽ Open edit files associated an lication. Ѽ Click exece scripts, long tap edit, move,copy rename files directories. Also Create links show files properes Ѽ Mulselect function from different directories. (Ads version support 7 selections from different directories. No limit if selections are same directory) Ѽ root privileges also: Ѽ Root explorer Ѽ Modify RO (Read ) partions easily. Ѽ Root editor (Allow edit files root privileges also usable by lications. Configure "Browse root" use it script manager lication) Ѽ Open edit files regardless permissions y have selected lication. Use CAREFULLY(Configure "Browse root" order get t feature) Ѽ Console screen: Ѽ --------------- Ѽ Volume Up: Med Esc key. Ѽ Volume Down: Med Enter key. Ѽ DPad press: Med Control key. (Press n press key. Not simultaneous press required) Ѽ Enable "extra gestures" config screen order send Home/End,del/tab,left/right,pgup/pgdown ke. T very useful exece shell ssh connections. Ѽ IRD CHARACTERS: If get a of [[^ characters, due have "extra gestures" enabled script/program doesn't process m. Use most right side of screen send standard scroll event, disable "extra gestures" Ѽ External Storage SD Notes: Ѽ ------------------------- Ѽ install SManager external Storage SDcard, b must be know: Ѽ - If are us boot scripts scheduled script, will need SMExternalSD . Ѽ - events network status change scheduled scripts while external storage shared unmounted will not be processed. Although have SMExternalSD installed Ѽ NOTE: Ѽ SManager does not launch execions unl external storage mounted. Ѽ NOTE2: Ѽ Detected some programs/daemons ( dropbear) fails if has stdin closed. Try p "exec 0>&1" reopen stdin background execions. Ѽ No ads version features: Ѽ ------------------------ Ѽ No ads. Ѽ Exece scripts from widgets with open console. Ѽ No limits mulselect. Ѽ No limits open mulple directories. Ѽ Alias ke SMConsole. Ѽ Hide/show SMConsole status bar up/down gesture at top of SMConsole screen. Ѽ Ѽ

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