dsgL3.jpg Ѽ FX Editor contains 110 presets edit features which allow express best moment of life. Ѽ Photos of daily life travell be depicted most memorable moment. Ѽ FX Editor easier more convenient than any editors. Ѽ Touch touch! few taps will be amazly changed. be a professional photographer. Ѽ (1) 110 Professional Presets Ѽ 110 presets 10 mes will satisfy everyone kinds of be depicted beaifully 110 asome presets. Ѽ Preset mes : Scene, HDR, Blur, ART, Vintage, Grunge, Beay, Professional, Color Splash, Black & White Ѽ (2) Real Preset opacity control Ѽ are able control opacity of presets when ly it. By adjust opacity have varied effects within a preset. Ѽ (3) Get own unique effect from unlimited combinations of presets Ѽ ly more presets . Through t work, get an unlimited number of preset combinations are allod create unique effects. Ѽ (4) Favorite tory list Ѽ presets Favorite list. Ѽ Presets have used lately are aomatily listed tory y be led used conveniently when edit a . Ѽ Favorite up 30 presets, tory up 20 presets be added each list. If maximum number of Favorite tory list over, oldest preset will disear from lists. Ѽ (5) Matrix temporal photographic effects Ѽ Matrix a special function allows express a parcular s atmosphere a . Ѽ a machine, travel Matrix ly a variety of effects accord set. Ѽ experience t astonish feature, Matrix, provided exclusively by FX Editor. Ѽ (6) edition tools varied purpose, from beginners professionals Ѽ FX editor provides not basic edition tools such Color, Contrast, Exposure etc., b also professional edition tools togram, B&W Curve, Colored Curve, White Balance se professional tools are especially those people who want control more detailed adjustment. Ѽ (7) Different feel of a tures Ѽ tures are provided order help a more stylish express various feels through a . opacity of tures be controlled. Ѽ (8) Useful Borders Vignetng Ѽ Complete edition last touch of png a borders. Ѽ Moreover, re are different styles of vignetng also control strength of vignetng. Ѽ (9) Save various resolions Ѽ FX editor allows save a from SNS optimized sizes up size of 2048 px.. Ѽ ( sav size be differenated some Android devices.) Ѽ (10) Manual Ѽ FX Editor designed everyone use conveniently easily. Ѽ Features : Ѽ Take a Load a Ѽ Environmental setngs Ѽ 110 Presets categorized 10 mes Ѽ Filter effects real- control Ѽ Matrix Ѽ Crop Mirror Ѽ Color, Contrast, Saturation, Exposure Ѽ togram, Colored Curve, B&W Curve, White Balance Ѽ tures Ѽ Different styles opacity control of vignetng Ѽ Useful stylish Borders Ѽ Compare an original anytime Ѽ FX Editor Manual Ѽ 's t version: (Updated : Sep 21, 2012) Ѽ features Ѽ Painng : Paint various colors, bokehs roll-stamps Ѽ Upgrade feature Ѽ Supports higher resolion(ICS, JellyBean) : Saves up 2560 px high resolion Ѽ Required Android O/S : 2.2+ Ѽ play: Ѽ Ѽ
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